Deciding if now may be the time to buy another car may be a more difficult decision than you first thought.

With that being the case, take your time before signing any paperwork and putting down money on a vehicle.

If you don’t, you may drive off regretting your decision for years to come.

Making the Right Call the First Time Around

In deciding if you in fact have the finances to buy another car, keep a few things in mind. They include:

Image result for Are You Financially Ready to Buy Another Car?

  1. Current financial status – Are you doing well with your finances now? If not, buying another car may not be the best of decisions. You want to be in a position where a potential monthly car payment is not going to eat into your finances. Take a look to see how such a payment would impact your ability to pay other monthly bills. These bills could include rent or a mortgage, health insurance, credit cards, food and more. If it seems like another car is going to leave you pinching pennies, you may decide it is not the time to go car shopping.
  2. Buying the right vehicle – If money is not going to be a major roadblock, you still want to get the right vehicle. That said are you thinking a used vehicle is your best option? If it is, be sure to do your research on each one you look at. If you do not, you could end up with someone’s problem child. Yes, some will make vehicles available for sale knowing the car or truck has one or more issues. This is why you could end up seeing the value of a VIN check. Checking a vehicle identification number allows you to gain insight into the vehicle. If someone has a vehicle up for sale, you want to know all the pertinent deals about the car or truck. By doing this, you have less of a chance of getting stuck with a lemon.
  3. What you plan to use it for – What are your plans for a vehicle you are thinking about buying? Do you plan to use it here and there or on the heavy side? If the latter, you want to be sure you buy something that will hold up. Having constant maintenance will frustrate you and eat into your wallet too.
  4. Don’t overlook safety – Last, don’t buy a used vehicle that is in poor shape. Also keep going if the current owner refuses you permission to have a mechanic look at. You never want to put your safety or the safety of others at risk in buying something that is not up to speed. If the current owner won’t allow a mechanic of your choosing to look at, find somewhere else to get a used vehicle. Some owners may do this because they’re afraid a potential buyer may learn something ominous.

In deciding if you are at the right financial point to buy another car, make sure the money adds up.

Never buy something as important as an auto without making sure you have the money to back things up.