The all-new Renault Kwid facelift 2019 was launched in the Indian marketplace with price starting from Rs 2.8 lakh and up to a maximum of Rs 4.9 lakh (ex-showroom price in Delhi). This could be the first major facelift that comes under the Kwid’s first generation. It also shares numerous looks such as the all-electric version referred to as City K-ZE, sold only in the China region. The all-new Kwid comes with the BS-IV petrol powertrains.

Similar to earlier versions, the 1.0-liter engine produces a peak torque of 91 Nm and power of 68 bps, while the 0.8-liter engine produces 72 Nm torque and 54 bps power. Both engines are designed with a standard manual gearbox of 5-speed and the larger engine is designed to utilize with AMT (Automatic transmission) option. Mechanically, the Renault Kwid facelift has never changed from its odd version. Let us compare the Renault Kwid facelift with its predecessor to know the surface changes.


The Renault Kwid facelift’s cabin will provide prominent tweaks and updates. It includes a new form of dashboard layout that has multiple features for central console and along 8.0-inch infotainment touchscreen system which is similar to Triber. The Climber variant with an orange accent will outline the featured infotainment system instead of utilizing the whole controls console.

It includes the same set of AC controls for both versions however, the power windows controls are moved up and its controls are moved to the bottom console. Within in the automatic version, the rotary dial drive-selector is moved from its central console to the conventional position of its console tunnel. The dashboard of the passenger side does not have any features instead of offering a storage tray and optional front passenger airbag.

The all-new Kwid facelift allows features the best KWID lettering embed into its model. The new steering wheel is also included but it doesn’t get the entire steering mounted audio controls. The Renault Kwid 2019 facelift also provides a wide range of features of the new digitalized instrument cluster that is identical to the earlier debuted one referred to as the Renault Triber. It also continues to offer another value-added offer of a fold-out armrest that is available near the rear seats and it can be utilized only for the top-spec Kwid Climber model.


The all-new Kwid facelift will host with more visual updates but still, it retains the earlier distinctive proportions. It has done many changes with regards to exterior to the Kwid facelift’s front end. Mostly, the new form of double-barrel headlamps that are positioned under the lower part of the front side bumper. It is surrounded by orange inserts (climber) with large black cladding. Even the new LED DRLs are also placed under the headlamps along with new chrome inserts to connect the two ends of the new grille.

It has a larger air dam along with a front skid plate that is less pronounced rather than its older model. When compared with the side profile, you can feel some difference between the old facelift and the new Renault Kwid. Both models will get the cladding around its doors and wheel arches. Similar to its earlier model, the wheel design is much bigger at using 14-inches instead of using the 13-inches of its older model.

Safety Features

Renault had updated to deliver the all new Kwid with various features like front passenger airbag (never came before), standard ABS (Automatic Braking System), front seatbelt reminder, speed alert, rear parking sensors, and a driver airbag. However, it comes with an extra optional offer only for Climber and top-spec RXT variants.

Convenience Features

The Renault 2018 Kwid features, rear-seat climber for the armrest, central locking, power windows, and a reverse camera. Many features are limited to Renault Kwid’s top-spec variants that even include the 12V charging socket.

Creep Function

The Renault Kwid facelift uses the AMT (Automatic Transmission) gearbox but missed the most important and essential “Creep” function. However, with the latest one, the all-new Renault Kwid utilized the new function referred to as the “Traffic Assist”.


The Renault facelift Kwid has numerous variants and finds below the price changes from its previous model.

Model Name: STD 0.8

Old Price – Rs 2.76 lakh

New Price – Rs 2.83 lakh

Model Name: RXE 0.8

Old Price – Rs 3.31 lakh

New Price – Rs 3.53 lakh

Model Name: RXL 0.8

Old Price – Rs 3.62 lakh

New Price – Rs 3.83 lakh

Model Name: RXT 0.8

Old Price – Rs 3.99 lakh

New Price – Rs 4.13 lakh

Model Name: RXT 1.0

Old Price – Rs 4.21 lakh

New Price – Rs 4.33 lakh

Model Name: RXT 1.0 AMT

Old Price – Rs 4.51 lakh

New Price – Rs 4.63 lakh

Model Name: Climber MT

Old Price – Rs 4.46 lakh

New Price – Rs 4.55 lakh

Model Name: Climber AMT

Old Price – Rs 4.76 lakh

New Price – Rs 4.85 lakh