Getting a decent deal on a car loan can be hard when you have bed credit. You are in a tough spot financially and it seems like there is a whole territorial army of deceitful “bad credit, no credit, no problem”, lenders and dealers on the internet just waiting to take advantage of you when you can least afford it.
Good news
But here is some good news – individuals with bad credit can still find a car and the financing for that car if they are willing to research and shop around. Here is how consumers who have problems with credit can still get a decent car loan on a new or used car.
Bad credit
Any consumers who believe they have bad credit need to start their car-shopping by getting copies of the reports on their credit about a month before even beginning to look for a car. Knowing what is in these reports and making certain all the information is accurate can go a long way to help you in keeping dishonest car dealers or loan brokers from getting you into poorer loans than you can afford.
Credit reports
If you have ever had a credit card, car loan, mortgage, student loan or other, chances are that credit bureaus such as Experian, Equifax and TransUnion each have their own credit report on you. But due to federal law, they each much give you a free copy of the reports they have on you once every year. To get your free copies, simply go to the industry’s official website – but beware of copycats with URLs that are similar.
Errors in credit reports
Check carefully on three of the bureaus’ reports for any errors or negative information that is more than 7 years old. If you find any of these problems, has online tools that can help you make corrections.
Connecticut area
In the Hartford area Franks Auto Credit is a family owned and operated, independent buy here car dealers established just to help people like you. They specialize in those individuals who have faced financial hardship and have problems getting a traditional loan for a car. They can assist those who have the means to afford to buy a quality automobile but have a poor credit score – or no credit at all.