Now, a lot of choices are out there when it comes to purchasing an aftermarket auto part. You’ve probably already done a little bit of research and have found out which companies you should check out. There are a few different types of aftermarket parts from synthetic, to GM or OEM parts, to used parts. These aftermarket parts come in all different quality and price levels, so it can be hard for you to know what’s the best choice for your application or budget.

I’d like to take the mystery out of the parts you need to replace on your unit, RV, or trailer. To start off, let’s cover the few things you can do before you search for a new part.

Do your due diligence

Before beginning the search for your next aftermarket car part company, you should be aware of what sort of things to look for. Are there reviews on the companies? How long have they been around? You also want to make sure the brand of auto parts you’re considering is going to fit your vehicle. If you rock a Toyota, there’s no point in buying Honda auto parts. Some will say that the aftermarket car parts will fit their vehicles, but there are always little quirks and special things you need to check when looking for aftermarket car parts.

Good reviews are a good sign, but if you notice that there are negative remarks about the company, don’t be surprised. Remember, even the biggest car parts companies on the market have negative reviews—it’s just part of doing business. However, they should have more positive reviews than negative ones to create a good impression. If you are already on the lookout for aftermarket parts, you better check out for the best range.

Price point

Price is definitely a factor for many shoppers, and they may not realize that the price of non-OEM parts can be considerably less than OEM.Sometimes you might find that the OEM part is too expensive. If this is the case, be sure to check out aftermarket upgrades in your price range. If you exhaust your options without finding something perfect for you, then you can always head back into OEM territory.

There are no real guarantees or protection if the part doesn’t fit right, and the last thing you want to do is mess up your ride. So why risk buying the wrong part? Why not just pay a little more for an aftermarket brand name part?


I would say the general consensus is that OEM parts will save you more money in the long run. Most of the time, OEM parts come with a warranty, and with aftermarket parts, it just depends. Maybe a warranty is not a huge deal to you. However, I would still encourage you to think about trying OEM parts on your next job.Another thing to consider when buying OEM parts is if they will be easy to install or if a mechanic can do it for you.