This article is sponsored by Diesel Driving School

You’ve taken the plunge and decided to follow your dream of becoming a truck driver! You’ve taken the necessary steps to find out what the requirements are to secure your CDL license for the state you live or plan to work in. You’ve taken the necessary steps to secure your license. The next step would be to go to truck driver training school. But how do you pay for it?

VA & Military Benefits

Have you served in the military? As a veteran or current member of the National Guard and Reserves, you may qualify to receive educational benefits through the Veteran’s Administration. Also, if you were injured while serving, or if you’re a dependent of an injured service person, you could qualify for vocational rehabilitation benefits.Image result for Truck Driver Training

National Farmworkers Jobs Program (NFJP)

If you are 18 years or older, done any kind of farm work over the last few years, and your family income is below the federal poverty level, you could qualify for the National Farmworkers Jobs Program.

State/Federal Grants and Funding

The Diesel Truck Driver Training School is right now endorsed as a qualified preparing supplier under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). This allows the Diesel Truck Driver Training School to participate in WIA funding programs administered by the Department of Workforce for each state. This includes funding for dislocated workers, vocational rehab, trade adjustments, and tribal education.

Dislocated Workers

If you are a dislocated worker or receiving any kind of public assistance due to a natural disaster, you may be eligible for benefits through the Workforce Investment Act.

Vocational Rehab

If you have been previous injured on the job, currently an injured worker, or in a rehabilitation program, you may be eligible for funding through a state or private vocational rehabilitation program.

Trade Adjustment

Have you lost your job due to foreign competition or trade? You might be eligible to receive funding for truck driving school through the Trade Adjustment Act.

Tribal Education

Are you a member of a Native American Tribal Council? Many Native American students qualify for funding through their tribal council or the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Private Education Loans and Grants

Another source for education funds is private lending. Your local bank may be able to set you up with a personal or student loan. You can also check with your school is see if you can qualify for the Federal Student Loan Program. The U.S. Department of Education has several student loan program. Most states have them, as well.

Institutional grants are another source for education funding. Local, state, and the federal government all offer grants, which you do not have to pay back like a loan. Also, many non-profit organizations, and even businesses, offer grants.

Finding the funds for your truck driver education is doable. These are just a few examples of how to find the means to pay for school. If you can dream it, you can do it!

How to find the means to pay for school. If you can dream it, you can do it!