You routinely check your oil and take your car in for routine maintenance, but what about your radiator? When you’re on a long trip and suddenly your car starts overheating, it can be scary and expensive.

Radiator repair services run the gambit from simply plugging up a hole to a complete replacement. When something happens to your radiator, it’s a repair service you don’t want to wait on.

It can damage your engine and leave you stranded. We’ll examine some of the most common problems associated with radiator repair and what you can do to fix it. You’ll be back on the road in no time.

Radiator Repair Service for a Minor Leak

The radiator is located near the front of your car under the vehicle emblems on your hood. The most common problem associated with radiator repair is a coolant leak. There are several sources for a coolant leak including the radiator itself, a hole in the coolant line or where the lines connect. 

The leak could be so small you don’t notice it or you could be leaving a large wet trail behind you wherever you go. If you notice a leak, then you need to check your coolant levels. If they’re low, then fill it and drive to an auto repair store.

If the leak is in the coolant line or a connector, then they need replacement. If it’s in the radiator, then you can have it professionally repaired or purchase a fluid to temporarily plug up the leak. 

Coolant Block in Radiator

The coolant in the radiator is designed to keep the engine cool at all times and without it, the engine overheats and could eventually crack the engine block. This requires an engine replacement and that’s very expensive.

A coolant block is different from a leak in that the coolant isn’t leaving the vehicle through a hole, but it can’t get to where it needs to go. It could be small and build up over time or it could happen suddenly.

You may notice your engine temperature slowly begin to rise if the block is slowly growing. If it’s sudden and the engine gets no coolant, then the temperature rises very fast. 

You need to find the blockage and remove it. Many times, a coolant flush dislodges the block or you should have a mechanic find and repair the blockage. Do not drive the car with the engine overheating.

A Sudden Major Leak

The radiator metal is thin and rocks from the road or other obstacles and suddenly creates a large hole. Corrosion of the metal caused by the coolant itself can lead to large radiator holes as well.

When there is a large radiator leak, a simple liquid plug won’t do the job. It’s designed for smaller leaks.

If the coolant leaves the radiator as fast as you put it in, then the radiator needs to be replaced. 

Keep Your Radiator Maintained

The key to reducing radiator repair services is to have the radiator looked at when changing your oil. They can find any leaks or problems before they become a major inconvenience.

If you want to learn more about car repair service, then please explore our site.