Getting involved in a car accident can result in some serious consequences like long-term or permanent injury, wage loss, mental frustration and many more. While some car accidents have nothing to do with the driver, they certainly have an unintentional role in the rest of the cases. At GKBM Law, we believe that educating the drivers – both the teenagers and their experienced counterparts – about the top reasons of car accidents will help them avoid the afore-mentioned dire consequences.

Extra preventive measures are a must for those sitting behind the wheel. Learning the top reasons for car accidents will be a lifetime lesson of auto accident prevention. Remember that ‘safe driving’ is the other name of ‘save life’.

Distraction While Driving

It tops the list of causes for car accidents in the USA. A distracted driver is one who gets busy with other activities while driving. According to statistics, text messaging and talking over cellphones are the main causes of distraction for the drivers.

Image result for Identifying Leading Causes of Automobile AccidentsDUI/DWI

Drunk driving is another major cause of automobile accidents. You lose the ability to think, judge and react properly under the influence of alcohol. If you’re drunk, you fail to follow the traffic rules and are likely to suffer dangerous consequences. Drunk driving can be easily avoided. Hire a cab or ask your friend, who is not drunk, to drive your car instead of getting behind the driver’s wheel immediately after taking a drink.

Speeding beyond Limit

There is a strict regulation as to the upper cap of speed. Unfortunately, most drivers don’t conform to the speed limit especially while driving on the highway. Statistics claim that they pick up speed 10, 20 and even 30 mph over the specified limit. Speeding cars are often the cause of motor accidents. This is because, reflex reaction takes time to set in when it is required to slower a speeding car.

Rash Driving

Carelessness in times of driving may cause car accidents. Reckless drivers ignore traffic signals and speed limit. They tailgate and take quick turns. Such reckless driving results in car accidents.  These drivers become more aggressive on the road and that shows up in rash driving. By avoiding such dangerous driving, it is very much possible to avoid car accidents.


Incessant rain leaves the roads slippery. Driving on slippery roads is very dangerous and must be avoided. Bad weather like rain, snowfall etc leaves the roads in the most awful condition. There is a chance that the vehicles running on the slick roads will skid or get out of control while applying brakes. So, avoid going out in rains if there is no emergency. And if you drive in rain, make sure to take extra care.

Teenage Drivers

Teenagers are often unmindful of traffic rules and regulations. They often get engaged in reckless driving. The teenagers are also found using cellphones while driving.. They often get puzzled on the roads due to their lack of experience and that inevitably causes accidents in most of the cases.

Driving at Night

Human beings are not nocturnal creatures. These creatures’ eyes shine brightly even during pitch dark. Driving at night doubles the likelihood of car accidents. Your night vision will become poorer if the street lamps are not working or there are no street lamps at all. After the sun sets in, you should be extra cautious of road conditions and what is ahead to ensure safe driving.