Hitting a pedestrian while driving a car is not common in the USA. However according to the report of “National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,” 60,000 pedestrians were injured in 2014. Many people are seriously injured and died every year because of the car accidents. High speed causes the severe injuries. If a driver hits a pedestrian at speed over 30 kilometers per hour, the pedestrian must be injured seriously.

An injured pedestrian can ask for compensation, and by this article, I am going to discuss everything about the right of a pedestrian and the right of a car driver. The driver should know some steps which he or she should follow after the accident.

Immediate Work after the Car Crash

When a driver hits a pedestrian then feels upset, but he or she should follow some steps.

Safety Comes First

First, the car driver should take the injured person to a safety place and should take all the necessary measures to cure the person.

Inform the Police and Law Company

After a car accident, the driver should tell the cops and the insurance company. The driver should not tell a lie, otherwise, will face criminal charges. If the driver faces the charges then should consult with a Car Accident Lawyer, and solve all the legal issues.  So, never forget to take help of a lawyer after the crash.

Exchange Contact Information

The driver and the pedestrian must exchange the addresses, phone numbers and the insurance information, and it is necessary. But the driver should not talk unnecessarily with the pedestrian’s attorney. The auto insurance company will communicate with the pedestrian’s attorney.

Whose Fault Is This?

The injury can be happened for the negligence of the car driver, or for the pedestrian. The law of negligence determines the faults. Maryland and Virginia follow “pure contributory negligence” rule, and other states follow “comparative fault” rule.

Police Reports and the Insurance Company

The police will enquire the matter and may visit the spot for better understanding. The police can take statements from the pedestrian, car driver, and the witnesses to take the final decision.

The amount of compensation always depends on the police report, and if the police report says that the driver did nothing wrong and it was the fault of the person, who was walking then the person will not get compensation, however, it differs from one state to another state.

Insurance Coverage for the Accidents

Injured pedestrians are covered by the health and disability insurance policies. But if he or she is injured at the time of doing the job, then will get more compensation under auto insurance policies.

Seek a Lawyer’s Advice
If an accident occurs the both parties should consult with a Car Accident Lawyer, and can get the best suggestion from him or her. The lawyer has capabilities to save the driver from the legal issues and can advise the pedestrian to get the compensation.

So, if a driver drives the carefully or the Pedestrian walks nicely then, then the incidents will decrease in future.